Excesses Of The Nigeria Pentecostal Churches And Their G.O.s
With a great burden, I’m penning this piece over the misdeeds of the Nigeria’s General Overseers, G.O.s, who have turned the gospel messages into vested interest and attention seeking, rather than preparing men for eternity. They have so much arrogated too much power to themselves as if the world revolves around them.
It’s a pity that their teeming followers know better, in that they elevate them as if they ought to in order to possess such power they wield.
Nigeria church founders rank one of the highest and richest in the world among their counterparts in the same field, according to Google search engines. Likewise, this is attested to by the numbers of their adherents worldwide, who so passionately believe in their spiritual fathers usually called Daddy G.O., Papa etc.
Going through the memory lanes, centuries ago, the white missionaries brought the gospel to this part of the world, Africa, with best intentions and we’re ever grateful to them for this gesture. They berated our African Traditional Religion bequeathed to us by our great ancestors as being against the intention of the creator of the universe, God. Afterward, we saw the light and truth in their preaching of the belief in one God, rather than his mere creations and we did away from the old way of worshipping God. Hence, our pagan fathers threw in the trowel to make us become a true worshipper of God who does not live in woods, images, shrines, animals or fellow humans for that matter. And we’re better for it.
Fortunately, prior to the departure of the white missionaries, so many jaw-dropping accomplishments were performed. A Few were the constructions of schools and the higher institution of learning and religious centers in every nook and crannies of this nation, at little or no cost from their converts. Interestingly, their aims were to make such citadels affordable to the common man in order to make the world a better place for all regardless of religion affiliates.
Unfortunately, due to the waves of independence from the imperialists that swept across the Sub-Sahara Africa, little over 50 years ago, brought in a new dimension to the mighty works began by the missionaries, as their visions were stopped abruptly owing to this reason. Thus, their exits left an indelible mark and hole difficult to remove and fill.
Due to this fact, we entered into a new leadership of self-government in all facet of our nationhood, be it religious and secular.
Consequently, the baton was passed to fellow Africans to determine the fate of millions and posterity, especially in the religious circle.
Meanwhile, the Nigeria ministers have broken the barriers and even set new records in this regards. In fact, Christianity, which was brought here from the western world, formerly, has now being reversely taken outside the shores of the continent, Africa, to everyone’s delight and amazement. This is confirmed during crusades and convention of some of the Pentecostal churches; it is not uncommon to see the whites, Indians, Asians alike to grace the occasions.
Just like Oliver Twist, the frontiers of Pentecostal churches in Nigeria are driven by humongous visions to race against the tides in acquiring new territories at all cost, ahead of their counterparts at home. Such unhealthy visions include construction of great edifice for their place of worships, universities, estates and earthly accumulation of wealth at the expense of their members’ well-being and abilities.
It’s disheartening that their poor members who contributed in kind to such educational centers — Universities, high schools etc. are denied the attendance of their wards due to financial constraints. Which makes one wonders: is this how the former missionaries handled theirs and envisioned Christianity for us prior to their untimely departures? The answer is capital ‘No!’
Another canker-worm in the Pentecostal camps is hero-worshiping. This is common among their followers who took their General Overseer, G.O., for God. This is noticeable at meetings attended by such men as their adherents idolize them to high heaven in the way they gave their G.O. so much attention and glory, rather than the master Jesus Christ himself.
This afternoon someone sent a video clip over WhatsApp of worshippers performing rituals on the seat occupied by a G.O. after church service to me. Therein, they were kneeling, touching the seat formerly occupied by the ‘Daddy’ in procession, and finally wiping their faces with their hands. This is ridiculous! This is tantamount to having other gods aside Christ. I’m convinced that their actions were done out of the sheer ignorance that such could fetch them untold instant successes and healing.
Conclusively, it’s high time the followers understood, and told by their G.O., that there is no other foundation laid except that which was laid by the master Jesus Christ that all powers belong to Christ and not the so-called “G.O.” or pastor. And God would not take it lightly for anyone who thinks he can share power with Him.
Also, the men of God must constantly be reminded by those closest to them that their calling into the ministry is to prepare men for heaven, not the contrary. Rather than amassing fleeting wealth for their ministries and competing with others, they should be like Jesus Christ whose life was selfless by dying on the cross. You’ll be remembered for lives you touched and add values to rather than enough money you accumulate.
Inspired by the song track by a Nigerian Artist called Eben, titled, “At the center of it all.”